Eye & Vision

Eye & Vision Exam FAQs

Your vision is so much a part of you, it’s easy to take it for granted.

When changes happen in your eyesight, they’re often so slight that you don’t notice them until they’ve progressed into something more serious. That’s why the optometrists at Austin Vision Center recommend that you come in for an eye exam at least once a year. Many of our patients are curious about the procedures in a comprehensive eye examination. Here are some of the most common questions they have:

How should I prepare for an eye examination?

Write down any eye problems you’ve been having, as well as any questions you may have for the eye doctor. Bring the list along with you to your appointment. Let the doctor know about any eye problems you may have, along with your family eye history. Bring any current eyeglasses or contact lenses you may have.

How often do I need an eye exam?

For most adults with normal, correctable vision, one examination every three years is all that’s needed. Once you reach the age of 60, you should start coming into the office every year. Eye diseases develop much more quickly when eyes begin to age, and early diagnosis is the key to treatment. Yearly exams are the way to keeping your eyesight sharp as long as possible.

What type of tests will you do?

An eye exam in our office will last from half an hour to an hour, depending on the condition of your eyes. You’re probably experienced with most of the tests we do to check your eyes for various conditions. Among them are:

  • Eye muscle movement test, where you will watch a moving finger or pen
  • Cover test, which can tell how well eyes work together. You’ll look at an object while the doctor covers and uncovers each eye
  • Visual acuity, where you’ll look at an eye chart and read progressively smaller letters with different lenses in front of your eyes

These tests are designed to discover how well your eyes function, and how much correction, if any, is needed. In addition, the eye doctor will use various tests to check your eyes for a disease. He’ll look for cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, and many other eye conditions.

Will you need to dilate my eyes?

In the past, eye doctors would use eye drops to dilate your eyes, in order to see inside better. Today, we use an Optos retinal imaging system to get a 200 degree view inside your eyeball. This allows the doctor to detect problems even better than he could with dilated eyes.

Call Austin Vision Center Today!

Great eye care begins with examining your eyes to find out what kind of treatment they need. At Austin Vision Center, we’re ready with over the top service, whenever you need it. Call our office at 512-477-2282, and we’ll give you an appointment that fits in with your busy lifestyle.

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